About Me

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Texas, United States
Hi. Im Dawn. A hair stylist and aspiring makeup artist looking to learn as much as possible. Im a student, im fun, i love life and I have the world at my fingertips looking to take on anything that comes my way :)Im a makeup, fashion and hair junkie here with advice, tips and tutorials!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Daily Skin Regimen

Hi ladies, So im back with a new blog, trying to give you all the best advice I have and today its all about SKIN. Now as some of you may know as a African American girl our skin can get pretty oily at times and living in Texas does not help lol. I find two things this Texas weather has a negative effect on that's my hair and my skin. So I try to keep the same daily regimen to keep my skin looking fresh and clean in this HOTT weather :) I find that great products equals great skin :

Now I absolutely love these products because they actual work for my skin and the price is very reasonable. The St.Ives Olive Cleanser gives my skin the needed moisture and removes dirt & access oil. The Clean&Clear astringent works wonders without over drying my skin which tends to be sensitive toward harsh products. Last but not least the Clean&Clear Finishes Moisturizer I really love because it minimizes pores and imperfections leaving my skin looking more flawless and natural. The key is to have GREAT SKIN and with a good skin regimen its possible.

Stay Gorgeous ;)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Key Perfect Eyebrows

Hello everyone, So im sure your all wondering the key to flawless makeup.. well im here to tell you it starts with perfectly groomed brows (among other things), whether you draw them in, wax or tweeze im going to give you the basics. Since there are no definite rules to makeup I believe guidelines are a must so here are a few:

  1. Always shape your eyebrows the right way. The beginning should line up with your nose, the arch should line up at a diagonal along the pupils of your eye and the end of the brow should line up with the end of your eye. (look at the diagram to the right for example).
  2. Always use a brow color that is as natural looking as possible. The main objective is to define not create over-powering brows.
  3. To fill in with pencil use feather like strokes and follow the natural shape of your brow. Use a brow comb to spread product after applying pencil for a more natural look.
  4. Eyebrows maybe drawn in different ways. When using eyeshadow or powdered brow color always use a hard bristled angle brow brush (like the picture to the right).
  5. Concealer or a light eyeshadow maybe used under the finished drawn brow to help define them. This too can be applied with an angled brush.
  6. Practice makes perfect so try making those eyebrows the best by practicing what techniques work best for u (pencil, eyeshadow or powder brow color).